Sunday, October 26, 2008

it's all on, it's Rosie, it's a beautiful day!

Hey it's so beautiful outside this morning, ZERO clouds in the sky!! So nice. I was walking around and walking around, calling friends and getting called back.

Yesterday Michele and I went to see the Trachtenburg Family kids show in Brooklyn, it was really fun and a great show. It's for kids but it was fun for us too. Rosie's "best friend" Phil W. sat with us up in the balcony and we laughed our asses off. Michele and I appreciated the jokes Jason throws in for the grownups, like the reference to the Cincinnati Who concert (when I was in high school I drew my own version of 'Woodstock' from Peanuts that I called 'Cincinnatti Who Concert,' so that joke was extra-funny to me). Rosie Rebel plays two roles, both masterfully of course, and Checker Phil plays himself as both a puppet and as a real Boy Genius. Phil taught the kids how to draw Jack-o-Lanterns. Rosie roller skated down a flight of stairs, I really HATE when she roller skates on stairs, I cringe even when I see it on video, haha. I worry too much. Touching You did a hysterical song about how the kids are destroying the environment coupled with drawings Rachel held up that I actually saw him draw on the set of the TBurg pilot. Tammy Hart and TY sang beautiful backup on Rachel's awesome Pigeons song, and Tammy and Rachel's version of the Gnome sounded sweeter even than the original Pink Floyd version.

Afterward we were talking to the TBurgs a while and just now on the phone Checker Phil told me Rachel told him she got to hang with Carmen Mofongo and wanted to know who brought Carmen Mofongo to the show??? hahaha Phil said Peter did! So I told Michele that, and she will tell Carmen next chance she gets, haha

Anyway now I am going to edit Xanubi and compose the very serious music score for the next ROSIE REBEL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT!!

Oh and I forgot to mention I have a new girl for the show!

A lot has happened and a lot has changed in the last 24 hours. That's sort of becoming more normal for me lately though-- vast change over a short period of time. All of it seems to be for the better. Bad energy situations and people move away from you if you focus on sharing positive energy with people. When you're doing things for the right reason, everything gets lighter. When things feel heavy then I know I'm going in the wrong direction.

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