But then again is it wasted when I discover that Checker Phil is on the cover of the new MNN Program Guide (above)? I called him right away to say congrats but he was embarrassed that it was an old picture of him when he was less healthy but much larger.

Phil enthusiastically invited me to come see Jason's new band on his show,
and I was intrigued because it would be a way to get to see the new band without having to deal with the public and certain emotionally draining people (they all know who I mean).

Checker Phil challenged Jason to a pushup contest and whipped Jason's ass.
Then Checker Phil demanded to beat Jason a second time, and did so thoroughly.
Both of them went on and on about health food and so forth, and my mind drifted to the scene in "Rock'n'Roll High School" when the manager makes Joey eat "wheat germ and riboflavin."

But Jason is one of the most underrated songwriters in the world today, so I don't care.
Afterward, he told me he doesn't listen to music.
He said that nobody writes a book while reading a book!